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Friday 21 January 2011

Treatment Sheet

Magazine: Tenderoni
The readers of Tenderoni will be ages between 16 and 21, so covering the whole teenager age group. Both males and females will read it, as it will not be gender specific. The main majority will be from middle class families, and will either rely on their parents for money or have a part time job.  The reader will be interested in music, and probably play an instrument, like guitar bass or drums. The type of music they would like would the classic or modern rock, the type of bands that reflect the instruments they play themselves.

Tenderoni is in colour and A4. It contains interviews with bands, or artists, as well as news on new bands, and reviews on new albums. Images in the magazine will feature bands that readers can relate to as they play the same instruments. The magazine will be modern and artistic, and have blacks and silvers with a splash of red mixed in. it won’t be clutters, but have an artistic use of images and headlines. Competitions will be in the magazine, to win things like VIP tickets to festivals or concerts. Reviews on music technology like instruments and amps will also be in the magazine. The magazine will retail at £2.50.

Each issue will always have one interview with a new band, review on a new album or music tech, news on current music affairs, and a competition. The magazine will focus on the new happenings of the music industry, as well as opinions on the classics and music festivals. Language used will be to a level the readers will understand and will be familiar to them.

Advertising will be from companies promoting music technology, and record labels promoting new albums or bands. Also clothing companies that would sell the type of clothing readers would buy like and Chemical clothing.

The editorial team will be around the age of 20-40 and have experience in the music industry; they will also probably play instruments so they can relate to the readers. Readers will also be encouraged to write in and contribute to the magazine and get their ideas heard.

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