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Wednesday 12 January 2011

Textual Analysis

For my textual analysis I will analyse Q magazine featuring Angus Young from ACDC. The cover itself is very simple, the use of the plain red, and silver, makes the iconic image of Angus Young in his school uniform ripping music from the strings of his guitar stand out. The editors have decided to put the image in front of all the text, this shows that the text doesn't need to be there as the image explains exactly what is inside the magazine, and renders the title obsolete.

The magazine also features the 'All New Look' title. You can't tell from this image but the text is a shiny silver, I think this was used to that is doesn't attract attention from the main feature, but so that its still noticeable. Also that it is in silver suggests the new look is much more classy and expensive compared to the previous issues.

The title takes up a large quantity of the page and stands out against the silver background and black text. This is used, I think because it helps the reader identify the magazine quickly. The bar code also features the date, price, and website. they have put this all together, and small in the corners so it's not seen as a main part of the cover.

The contents page is very simple and

*post not finished*

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