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Thursday 13 January 2011

Textual Analysis

Looking at this magazine the first thing that strikes me is the inter-textual reference to the matrix. Pictured across the whole cover is a long shot of Johnny Borrell (lead singer for Razorlight) in a long coat surrounded by rain. This is re-enacting the famous scene from ‘The Matrix Re-loaded’. This is also referred to in the banner “Razorlight Reloaded” suggesting to the reader that the band has changed, and they will reveal all within the issue, this is also re-enforced with the strap line “Is Johnny Borrell finally as good as he says?”, this hooks the reader and encourages a purchase of the magazine.  

The fonts of the strap lines are different to the banner. This is to provide variation and make the magazine interesting. Colours used are silver, blue, white and red; these are complimentary colours and match other colours within the magazine cover. The strap line “And the most evil man in pop” is in red, this emphasises the evil that is referred to.

The famous Q logo is taking up a large portion of the page, and like always it’s in exactly the same position, also the barcode is small so not to attract too much attention. Overall the cover is eye-catching as the large image consumes the majority of the page and the rain effect covers the Q masthead, and the bright colours reflect the articles within the magazine.

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