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Thursday 13 January 2011

Textual Analysis

This is the contents page for an issue of Kerrang; it’s also got a simple layout but is still slightly busier than MOJO’s. It has much more writing but sill many images.

It seems easy to understand and also has sections that the articles fit into, but it has much more sections and articles than MOJO. I think this is good as the reader feels that they are getting their money’s worth and have a variety of features to choose from.

Kerrang seems to have a large amount of big names in their magazines instead of just the one, so using many images helps the reader identify where the articles are found, also in this contents the images relate to which article they are in, with the page numbers and article name on the actual image opposed to just having them written down the side. This magazine has both which provides that little extra help with navigation.

The layout is similar to MOJO’s but has much more text and more text on the cover at the top of the page. The colour scheme white, black and yellow. The black and yellow is used in the titles and page numbers. It stands out well against the plain text and white background, which again helps with navigation which I think, is an important factor, I think, on a contents page.

Overall I think it’s a good contents page if not a bit busy, and I think the colour scheme is slightly boring and plain.

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