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Thursday 13 January 2011

Textual Analysis

This is the contents page from MOJO magazine. It has the classic feel of a music magazine, as it has many images of all of the bands featured inside and all of the articles relate to music industry issues.

Its layout is very similar to most MOJO contents pages as they are usually set out with many images filling the majority of the mage and the articles relating to the images on the right hand side the different types of articles are grouped together. The usual articles are in the ‘Regulars’ section, news and current affairs is in the ‘What goes on!’ section, and information on the different medias are in ‘The MOJO Filter’ section. I think this layout is very affective as it makes it simple for the reader to understand and simple to find something in particular if needed. I also like the use of many images, as it’s aesthetically pleasing and doesn’t make the reader bored by seeing rivers of just words.

Below is the people who have contributed to putting the magazine together, which were the main people involved in the development of the magazine again using images instead of just words.

The style is very simple, as the majority is just a plain white background with black font, and the name of the magazine is repeated at the top. There is a slight variation in colour with the section headings and page numbers, but I don’t think this is of any other purpose than to make it look more interesting.

I think this is one of the better contents pages I have seen as it includes a large amount of images and the layout is simple and easy to understand, laying out exactly where the articles are and offering a brief summary of what’s in them.

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