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Friday 19 November 2010

Textual Analysis

Youth Action (cover)

The masthead is all lower case, this suggests the contents of the magazine will the childlike as there is no grammatical punctuation. But the font of the magazine is very formal and is a serif, this makes the reader think the magazine is very formal and aimed for the elder generations. The masthead uses the image below as an underline, as the bottom of the Y is intruding on the image, this suggests that the contents is a little more formal than the font suggests

An image of a lifeboat's nose emerging from a building fills the front page and automatically draws the attention of the reader to it, as it is where the reader is expected to look first. also in the image is a young person cleaning the nose of the boat, then in the background are other people doing the same. At the top of the image and below the masthead is a strap line saying: 'Young people taking action in their communities'. this is in capital letters and tells the reader what will be in the magazine.

The colour scheme is also the theme colour of the lifeboat. the word 'action' in the masthead is in orange, as well as the strap line. Above the title is the the additional date of the magazine, this is a lot smaller than the title and is also in orange. The font this is a slightly less formal and is in block capitals.

Around the outside of the image is a white boarder. Within the boarder is the masthead, addition and at the bottom the 'National Youth Agency' logo. providing this logo tells the reader the information inside is to be trusted and correct. this could help the reader choose this magazine because it makes them think the information is from a trustworthy source.

First Car (contents)

The first thing the eye is drawn to on the contents page is the images. These tell the reader what is inside the the magazine in a  quick way, which could be the difference between a purchase or not. the images are annotated with a bit about what they are showing and what page they are on. The font is sort of fun looking and tells the reader that its not a very serious magazine, and it has a fun side.

On the left down the side of the page is a bit more on whats inside and where it can be found. Each subject has a heading and says where they can be found. The background around this is white so that it stands out against the black background, which surrounds everything else.

At the bottom of the page it says about who made the document and a little bit about them. there is a small image to go with it, and it keeps with the colour scheme of black and yellow.

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