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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Double Page Spread

I have almost completed my double page spread and all I have to do is add the text, the text will be the only major difference between my final double page and my draft page as I will have smaller text and question and answers in it, as well as other minor changes. Here is what I've got so far:

Finished Cover Page

Saturday 12 February 2011


from the feedback of my draft pages I have decided to make the following changes:

For my cover page I shall use photo editing software to make the strap lines show the background through the backs of the words, and change the sizes of certain words to make the interesting ones stand out, like that seen in some of the magazines I looked at in my textual analysis.

For my contents page I am changing my layout to the other previous design I had drafted and including more images to make it seem more interesting to the reader, and making the editors section smaller. I will also apply some similar techniques to that seen in some of the magazines from my textual analysis.

Finalay for my double page spread I will include more text in a smaller font, and make minor changes to the picture colours and layout of the text, possibly including questions and answers.